We’re glad to introduce you our new software for .
Pet Shipping. This software allows you to manage pets pickups and deliveries and easily plan the shipping route.
It’s very interesting, because it connects with the rest of the applications, so that at the time of making a service, booking, PetShop sale, puppy booking, etc. you can also add the pick-up / delivery service quickly
By selecting a day, you will see the pickups and deliveries planned for that day.
If you have multiple apps, you can see them all or filter by app. For example, if you only want to see Grooming pickups or only PetShop deliveries
The information is organized in two independent tabs, to help you better visualize the pickups and deliveries. Next to the name of each tab appears the number of pickups/deliveries.
To rearrange the shippings, you just have to drag and drop in the position you want.
Pet Transport planning, the roadmap
If the customer has an address, the GoogleMaps map appears. By clicking on the Enlarge map option, a new browser tab opens with the map in larger size. In this way, you can see the address and order the shipping according to proximity or as you prefer.
By clicking on the DETAILS button, a Pop-up with more information opens:
All the information to quickly contact the customer
Includes Quick access links , if you click on them, the information opens in a new browser tab:
Customer’s name: open its file
Map: open GoogleMaps with the map in larger size
Name of the animals: open their files
Detail of the appointment, reservation, service, stay, puppy or ticket: open the corresponding section.
It also includes buttons for direct contact with the customer , if you click you can:
Call the customer by phone
Send you an email
Open WhatsApp to talk to the customer
At the bottom, you can Print the planning with the complet list of transport ordered and send the planning by email, for example to the driver.
If you check the option “Send me a copy”, you will also receive the shipping planning in your email.
Wouldn’t it be great to know the number of shippings for example for the last month?
Using the Shipping report, you can select from the date range and for which business area (hotel, grooming, PetShop, …) and all the pickups and deliveries between those dates will be listed.
Pet transport report
By clicking on the table titles, you can sort the results to sort them by customer name, address, type, date, etc.
If you click on a customer’s name, that customer’s file will open in a new web browser tab.
At the top there are some graphs that show the total of shippings, how many correspond to pickups (for example 40%) and how many to deliveries (for example 60%) and the evolution of the number of pickups and deliveries by weeks or months depending on the date range selected.
You can select if a service/sale has a home collection/delivery service and automatically, it will be noted in the transport schedule, when you go to add a:
new pet grooming appointment or service
new pet training/education appointment or service
new pet nursery booking or stay
new pet hotel booking or service
new reservation of a puppy from your kennel
new pet shop sale
In addition, you’ll see specific notifications on the Home Page for each application:
For the Hotel and Nursery software, if a stay that begins that day (Check-in) or a stay that ends that day (check-out) has a pick-up service
Daily transportation schedule
From the Grooming software, if a service for that day has a pick-up or delivery service:
Pet Transport software por Pet Groomers
If there are puppies scheduled for delivery on that day and you have selected the home delivery service, they will appear on the homepage to notify you that the transportation is scheduled for that day.
Pet transport service for breeders
From the PetShop software, if you select home delivery service when making a purchase, a notice will appear on the homepage that day.
Delivery for petshop software
Configurable online booking form and GDPR
Happy International World Internet Day
Pet Business – Payment of taxes
What are the mandatory data of an invoice?
Difference between ticket and invoice
The software fits to your device screen size
pet taxi service
dog taxi service
animal taxi service
pet taxi service software
dog taxi service software
animal taxi service software