You can set up your users and establish permissions for them, controlling their access to the system.
You'll be able to access this option by clicking on the top menu > Settings > Users.

You can also access, by clicking on the home page, in the security and access control for users module, and several options will appear:


By clicking on the Users option, you can see the users you have already configured and add new users.

We have included a wizard that will help you assess the security of your passwords. When typing the password, the wizard will show if the password:

It is very important that you use secure passwords and take care of the security of your data, and for that reason, we share security tips with you and offer our advice whenever you need it.

Keep reading

The main user is the Administrator. This is the one who can set up new users, assign them permissions, and check their access to the software. The Administrator has full access.


After adding users, you can assign them permissions. That is, you can configure:

For example, the user Anne works in the grooming, and her working hours are from 9:00 to 14:00 from Monday to Friday. You can configure those days/hours so that Anne cannot access outside of her working hours.

Another example could be John, who is in charge of our business's accounting. You can configure John to only have access to Reports. This way, he can consult income, expenses, etc., but he won't see, for example, the Planning.

These are just some examples, but you can configure each user according to your needs.

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