At the bottom of the document of a Training service agreement, I want to include my business information automatically. I send this document by email to customers.
You can include template-texts with the data of your business and the software will replace it with the data that you have configured in the Configuration > Company data option
Example of document for pet training business using the template-texts
Example of document. The software has replaced the template-texts with the real data of your business
In my puppy sale contract, I want to include the date and time. I will print and deliver this document to the customer to sign and we want the date and time of the signature to appear:
You can include template-texts with the date and time data and the software will replace it with the date and time of issue of the contract. You can configure the date format you want, combining day, month (number or name), year and time (in 24h or AM/PM format):
For example:
Date: 2023 - 05 - 12 . Time: 15:30
2023, May 12th
May 12, 2023
Example of document. The software has replaced the template-texts with the real data of your business
In my Privacy agreement, I want to include the customer information:
You can include template-texts with the date of the customer and the software will replace it with the real customer's data:Example of document. The software has replaced the template-texts with the real data of the customer
Recommendation: These are just sample documents. If you have doubts about legal conditions, contracts,
clauses, obligations, etc. related to your activity or specific to your country, we
recommend that you always consult with a professional or the corresponding
administration so that they can help you resolve all these doubts and you can create
your legal conditions,