Let's create your first appointment or boooking together. It is very fast to write reservations in Gespet.

  1. You can do it using the option New > Appointment or using the option View > Planning by clicking on Appointments +

  2. Search for the customer and select it or if it does not exist, add the customers and his animals.

  3. Transport options **: You can select if the client wants a pick-up/delivery service.

    animal transport software pet collection and delivery

    If you select the option, pick-up/delivery will be automatically added to the transport planning for that day. If you modify the date and click on the Save button, the day of collection/delivery will be updated in the planning automatically.

    You can also view the planning directly from here. By clicking on the "Transportation Planning" option, the planning will open in a new browser tab.

  4. You can select the employee or pet trainer to whom you assign the appointment

  5. You can write notes or comments and select a color tag for that quote.

  6. It's not necessary to write anything else to save the appointment . But if you want, you can already select the services or rates (bath, beauty treatment, transport, ...)

    pet training appointmet booking

  7. You can include discounts expressed in money (for example -5 $) or in% (for example -10%)

  8. You can add money advances if the customer pays part of the money in advance.

  9. Also, you can add automatic reminders so that on the selected day, the customers receives an email reminder of their appointment. These reminders are sent automatically, you don't have to send them yourself.

    send auto reminder customer pet grooming

    You can choose the day you want the notice to be sent, writing a custom date or using the date calculator. If you select 15 days before, the software calculates 15 before the date of the appointment and writes it in the date field. The same if you select 7, 3, 5 ... days before.

    (If you select, for example, to send the automatic reminder 7 days before, but there are 5 days until the appointment, logically it can only be scheduled to be sent 4 days before the appointment.)

    You can also select the time you want it to be sent from the Time dropdown. If the customer has several email addresses, you can choose which one you want to send it to.

    If you select the option "Send me a copy", you will receive a copy in your email.

    When you Save, these reminders will be scheduled to be sent on the selected date and time. They will appear here and in the option View> Automatic reminders.

    If you want to read more about automatic reminders, how to modify them, delete them, etc:

    Click here

  10. At the bottón, there are more options:

    • Print this booking summary

    • Send it by email to the customer and send you a copy

    • If you want to print a document when you make a new booking to deliver it to the customer (legal/privacy terms ...), you can configure it and it will appear at the bottom, so you can print it directly, without leaving this screen

pet transport software

** This option belongs to the Transport software. If you do not have this software, the Transport option will appear inactive.

Read more information about the transport software:

Click here

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