List of all customers. If you have multiple business areas, customer data is accessible from all of them, but customers are categorized by business area. You can consult them all or by business area (for example, only the Grooming customers).
A small indicator displays the total number of customers.
At the top of the screen, there is a search bar. If you enter customer information and press enter or click on the magnifying glass, all matches will be displayed
You can sort the list of customers as you need:
More information on ordering and search engines:
Clic hereYou can deactivate or mark a customer as "Inactive." When deactivated,
their data is not deleted, just hidden.
The Administrator can view the information of deactivated customers,
but those customers are not accessible to Users.
To add customers, you have two options:
Add them individually (one by one) using the Add option.
Or add multiple contacts at the same time using the Import option.
To add them, use the buttons at the top:
Click the Add Customer button, fill in the information, and click
(Refer to the New > Customer section for more
Or click the Import button and follow the instructions.
How to import customers in bulk in the software
Clic here How to import customers in bulk in the softwareIf you click on a customer, all the information about them will appear. The Magic Desk is displayed, which is a summary screen or card with all the customer's information.
At the top, there are 2 buttons:
Show/hide the right sidebar menu to expand the workspace
Quick actions or "shortcuts" and Additional actions (varies depending on the software you are using)
Send Summary Sheet by Email
Print Summary Sheet
Add a new animal for this customer
New Reservation and New check-in in the hotel |
New Appointment and New grooming service |
New Reservation and New check-in in daycare |
New Puppy Sale |
New Appointment, New Training/Education Session, and Sell Course |
New Sale |
New Appointment, New Veterinary Consultation |
Interactive graphs, which display a summary of the most important information (revenue, profitability, etc.). This information varies depending on the software you are using.
These intelligent statistics help you have a clear view of the activity, profitability, and loyalty of that customer "at a glance."
Number of days the animal has stayed in your hotel
Number of stays or accommodations in your hotel
Average days per stay
Total billing of those stays
Average billing per stay
Number of grooming services for that animal
Total invoicing of that animal in grooming services
Average price of the grooming services
Number of training/education services for that animal
Total invoicing of that animal in training/education services
Average price of the training/education services
Number of hours the animal has stayed in your hotel
Number of stays or accommodations in your hotel
Average hours per stay
Total billing of those stays
Average billing per stay
Number of sales
Total products sold
Average products sold per store visit (per purchase made)
Total revenue (total money spent)
Average revenue per visit (average money spent per purchase made)
Number of veterinary consultations performed on their animals
Total revenue in veterinary services (total money spent)
Average price of the consultations performed
If the customer has any unpaid invoice, an alert box with the information will be displayed. Clicking on the icon will open the invoice for you to review.
This message about unpaid invoices will also appear before making a new reservation/ appointment/service....
In this option, you can both view and directly modify the information. Remember that if you make any changes, you need to click the Save button to save that new information.
Furthermore, by using the quick access buttons, you can call or open WhatsApp to chat with them; click on the corresponding icon (phone, WhatsApp, etc.).
You can upload a photo or select an icon from the avatar database
This section involves critical actions. If your business has multiple users, we highly recommend restricting access to this area.
Delete a Customer:
This option is exclusively available to Administrators and is not accessible to Users.
By selecting the option to delete this customer, all associated information will be permanently removed, including but not limited to:
Personal and contact details. Data protection information.
Invoices. Check-ins, check-outs, consultations, training sessions, and grooming services.
Animals. Pedigrees. Breeding-related data: litters, puppies, weights, etc.
Bookings and appointments, including online reservations and appointments.
Documents and contracts. Veterinary prescriptions. Attachments. Images.
And any other information related to this customer.
Before proceeding with the deletion, we strongly advise ensuring that there are no legal obligations to retain specific information for a set period due to tax or accounting regulations.
Additionally, please note that if necessary, you can download the required information BEFORE continuing, as this deletion process is PERMANENT and data cannot be recovered once deleted.
Clicking the Delete button will trigger immediate data removal.
If you’re unsure about legal retention requirements or have any other concerns, consult with a lawyer or a data protection expert to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.
If your business involves multiple users, we recommend using the security and access control module to restrict this option for unauthorized personnel.
You can deactivate or mark a customer as "Inactive." When deactivated,
their data is not deleted, just hidden.
The Administrator can view the information of deactivated customers,
but those customers are not accessible to Users.
Select customer > from the right-hand menu Privacy > Deactivation =
You can add a date and further details about the reason for deactivation.
If you mark a customer as inactive:
When you check the list of customers (View > Customers), you'll see that they have the symbol , while the rest have the icon .
In their file, you'll see "inactive since date x."
They will no longer appear when you search to make a new reservation/appointment, service/check-in, etc.
You can see the animals associated with the customer and access their animal profiles directly
By clicking on the Animal Data
tab, you will see the associated
animals, and by clicking on one of them, you can access their profile.
Highlighted Information
There are fields where you can add important or highlighted information about the customer and the animals:
Important Information
Pick-up and Delivery Information
Notes or Comments
This information will appear when you work with this customer/animal, for example, when you record a new reservation. This way, you can quickly access the relevant information.
In the side menu, there are more options available depending on the software you are using:
Documents: You can store and access documents related to that customer, such as contracts, documentation, etc. Supported file types include:
.xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .odt, .ods, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, GoogleDrive Document, and GoogleDrive spreadsheet
Maximum file size: 2 MB
Reminders: You can make and check important reminders for a customer, and the application will automatically remind you of them.
Privacy: Here, you can manage all information related to privacy/GDPR.
Training Services: You can see the training/education services sold to that customer.
Sales: for training services made to that customer.
Grooming Appointments: You can see all the appointments scheduled for that customer.
Grooming Services: A list of all grooming services performed on the animals of that customer.
Sales: for grooming services made to that customer.
Bookings: You can see all the reservations scheduled for the animals of that customer.
Hotel Stays: A list of all the accommodations for the animals of that customer in your hotel.
Sales: for hotel services made to that customer.
Bookings: You can see all the reservations scheduled for that customer.
Daycare Stays: A list of all the stays for the animals of that customer in your daycare.
Sales: for daycare services made to that customer.
Sales: for store purchases made by that customer.
Sales: for breeding services made to that customer.
Appointments: You can see all the appointments scheduled for the animals of that customer.
Consultations: A list of all veterinary consultations made for the animals of that customer.
Sales or Invoices: for veterinary services made to that customer.
Customer Report
Customer Address Report
Profitable Customers Report
Customer Addresses
A potential customer is a person or company that has shown interest in your products or services and could become an actual customer. While they haven’t made a purchase yet, their interest indicates they might do so in the future.
Why is managing your potential customers so important?
Every person interested in your services represents a great opportunity. Managing your potential customers strategically allows you to guide each one along the path to becoming an actual customer. This is key to increasing conversions and boosting revenue!
With effective lead management, you can better understand their interests, provide accurate and personalized responses, and offer the value they’re looking for. By actively following up, you turn initial interest into trust and loyalty toward your brand. This doesn’t just increase sales—it also optimizes your resources by focusing on those who are genuinely interested.
In summary: effectively managing potential customers isn’t just a sales technique—it’s the foundation for turning opportunities into satisfied and loyal customers!
Using a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool to manage potential customers is a game-changing strategy that simplifies the organization, tracking, and conversion of leads or opportunities into actual customers.
Some of the key benefits include:
Centralizing information in one place: This allows you to store all relevant data about your potential customers—contact details, interaction history, preferences, and specific notes—making it easily accessible to your entire team.
Detailed records of contacts and communications: You can log every interaction, whether it’s a phone call, email, or meeting, ensuring nothing is overlooked. This historical record is crucial for personalized follow-ups and remembering past conversations.
Clear action timelines: By having a timeline that shows all interactions and activities, you can easily see where each potential customer is in the sales process. This helps prioritize actions based on their level of interest and progress in the sales cycle.
Tracking opportunities and increasing conversions: With a CRM, you can set reminders and alerts to follow up with potential customers at the right time. This increases the effectiveness of converting leads by allowing proactive and timely action.
Potential customers are individuals or businesses that have shown interest in your products or services but aren’t actual customers yet—they’re just interested.
You can convert them into actual customers, and:
In the option View > Potential Customers > they’ll appear marked as "converted to customer."
They’ll now appear under View > Customers because they’ve become actual customers.
To convert a potential customer into an actual customer, simply click the button
Potential customers are individuals or businesses that have shown interest in your products or services but aren’t actual customers yet—they’re just interested.
You can convert them into actual customers, and:
In the option View > Potential Customers
> they’ll
appear marked as "converted to customer."
They’ll now appear under View > Customers
they’ve become actual customers.
At the top of the screen, there’s a search bar. If you type in information about a potential customer and press Enter or click the magnifying glass, all matches will appear.
You can sort the list of potential customers however you like:
More information about search and sorting options:
Click hereTo add potential customers, use the button at the top of the screen:
Click the "Add New" button
Fill out the details, and clickSave.
If you click on a potential customer, you’ll be able to view and edit all their information, contact them directly, log interactions/communications, check their statistics, and much more.
When you click on a potential customer, you’ll see all their details. The Magic Desk will open, showing a summary screen or profile with all the information.
At the top, there are two buttons:
Show/hide the right sidebar to expand the workspace.
Quick actions or "shortcuts" and additional actions
Send Profile via Email
Print Profile
Send an Email to this Potential Customer
Log a New Interaction
Did you know?
Keeping track of a potential customer’s interests when they reach out is a powerful tool to personalize communication and increase your chances of converting them into a customer.
By understanding their needs, preferences, or specific concerns, you can provide more relevant and accurate information tailored to what they’re actually looking for. This not only shows that you understand their interests but also builds trust by demonstrating your commitment to offering personalized solutions.
This strategic approach can make all the difference in capturing their attention, standing out from the competition, and guiding them toward choosing your products or services.
In their profile, you can save information about their interests, such as whether they’re inquiring about training course prices, looking to buy a puppy, or asking about summer accommodation rates at the pet hotel.
Later, you can send them specific information about those interests,
updates, etc.
This information is private to your business and won’t
be visible to the customer.
Whenever you send an email directly from the software, it will automatically be logged in this section. For other contact methods, automatic logging isn’t possible, but you can manually log them with ease.
In their profile, under
right menu > Contacts
, you can view previously logged
interactions and add new ones by clicking the
button in the upper right corner.
For example, you’ve received a call from a potential customer, and you want to log it:
You can select the date and time. By default, it will show the current date and time.
Choose the contact method—in this case: Call.
The type of contact could be:
Sent: if you initiated the email, message, or call.
Received: if the customer sent the email, message, or call and you received it.
In our example, the type is: Received.
Add details about the call, for example: "They want information about the pricing for basic and advanced training courses. I told them I would send the details via email."
Finally, you can assign a status to the interaction. The options are:
Pending: If the action hasn’t been completed yet. For example, they called but you couldn’t attend to them, so you plan to call them back.
In Progress: If you’re currently addressing their request. For instance, you’re preparing to send the information they asked for.
Completed: If the action has been finished. For example, they called to ask about your hours, and you provided the information.
You can decide which status to assign to each contact based on the situation.
Did you know?
Logging contacts or communications with potential customers is essential for effectively and strategically managing the relationship.
This log provides a complete history of interactions, helping you better understand their needs and follow up on their inquiries in a personalized way. It also helps identify what stage of the decision-making process they’re in, allowing you to send the right information at the right time.
Having this history also prevents duplicate efforts or communication errors, projecting a professional and organized image that builds customer trust and increases the chances of closing a sale.
This option allows us to view all communication activities, organized chronologically by date.
For example, when a potential customer was created, all the contacts we’ve logged (calls, messages, emails, etc.), and when they were converted into a real customer.
About the timeline:
Reviewing the timeline of contacts or communications with a potential customer is a crucial tool for delivering more efficient and personalized service.
This history helps us recall key details from previous interactions, such as their interests, questions, or concerns, and pick up the conversation exactly where it was left off, without requiring the customer to repeat themselves.
Additionally, it aids in planning the next steps, such as sending proposals, following up, or addressing concerns, in a timely and strategic manner.
Having access to this timeline not only enhances the customer experience but also streamlines our sales process, increasing the likelihood of converting a potential customer into a loyal one.
Gespet automatically compiles this timeline using logged contacts and
generates this chronological view.
If you want to add a new contact, simply do so under the Right Menu >
option, and it will automatically appear in the
Timeline view.
As you know, you can schedule automatic reminders so the software will automatically send a
reminder to the customer before their booking.
You can set up multiple reminders and choose when you’d like them to be sent— for
example, 5 days, 3 days, and 1 day before the booking.
When those dates arrive, the reminders will be sent automatically, and you don’t have to do
a thing.
Each module has an option to view all the automatic reminders you’ve scheduled under View
> Automatic Reminders
But now, with this feature, you can also review all the scheduled reminders across all business areas on a single screen.
All automatic reminders are displayed. You can view them all or filter by type:
Sent: Reminders that have already been sent.
Scheduled: Reminders that are set to be sent on the selected date and time.
It’s not possible to edit a scheduled reminder, but you can cancel it and create a new one.
If you’d like to cancel a scheduled reminder so it won’t be sent, simply click on the reminder and select CANCEL.
Canceled: Reminders you’ve canceled and that will not be sent.
Error: Reminders that couldn’t be sent due to an error.
When the software attempts to send the reminder to the customer, it checks the available email credits. If there are no credits available, the reminder won’t be sent, and you’ll see an error status with the message: "No email credits available for sending."
If you’d like to see which booking the reminder corresponds to, just click on the link that takes you to the booking—whether it’s for grooming, veterinary care, training, the hotel, or daycare. The booking will open in a new tab.
View the complete help guide on automatic reminders for upcoming bookings:
Click hereYou can send emails directly from Gespet, and in this option Marketing > CRM > Email
, you can check the log.
You can view them all or filter by type:
Queued: About to be sent. If you've triggered a bulk email action, emails will be sent gradually, and those marked as "queued" are waiting to be sent.
Sent: Emails that have already been sent.
Scheduled: Emails that are scheduled to be sent at the selected date and time.
Canceled: You’ve canceled the sending, and the email won’t be sent.
Error: Emails that couldn’t be sent due to an error.
When sending the reminder to the customer, the software checks the available email credit. If no credit is available, the email won’t be sent, and the status will show "Error" with the reason "No credit available to send more emails."
Email marketing for pet shop | Pet customer analytics | Personalizing messages for pet businesses | CRM tools for veterinarians | WhatsApp notifications for pet businesses | CRM for pet businesses | Marketing for pet shop | Send WhatsApp to customers | Personalized communication for pets | Email marketing for pets |