Coupons, offers, high season and other stays or special services

It's very likely in your business you offer some coupons/discounts, offers and special stay services. Here we teach you how to configure this kind of services in your app.

All the names, descriptions and prices used here are sample information. You can use whatever you consider more suitable for your business. In the Settings > nursery services you could configure your business services and prices.

By default, in the app you have configured a standard stay price. For instance, $10 per dog and hour.

Also you could add additional complements, for instance, Taxi service, special food, Premium room, etc.

Also you can create custom prices if you need a special price for stays with multiple pets. For instance, a customer with 2 pets in the same room.

In this case, you want to charge a special price of $15 per hour, instead the default one $10/hour/dog. You can do that in two different ways:

Option A - The fastest: Same rate for both animals, with a 50% discount to one of them.

Option B: To the first animal you apply the regular rate and to the second a special rate

Option C: Special rate for both animals

You can add discounts expressed in%: for example a 50% discount on the stay of the second animal

Or express them in money: For example -10 €

If you offer "coupons" or special services, such as "3 hours at the price of 2", it is very simple. Since the hourly price is $10, it includes a $10 discount and now the price is $20, instead of $30.

Also if you charge a "fixed" price, that is, regardless of the time or departure, I charge always 6 hours, even if the stay is 8 hours

residencia para perros

For example, at your pet nursery, the animals enter for example at 10:00 and leave at 20:00 and you charge a final price of $20:

  • Divide $ 20 between 10 hours: 10/20 = $ 2 per hour

  • If that is your final price including taxes, set that price in the "Sales price" field and the software will automatically calculate the base price or price without taxes.

  • If that is your base price without taxes, set that price in the "Base price" field and the software will automatically calculate the sales price with taxes.

You can update prices (for example, increase the price at the beginning of the year)

Select the service and change the price, for example now the price is $12 instead of $10.

This price applies to new stays (new booking/check-in/check-out), but not to the old ones that you already have included in the software.

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proffesional dog business software

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