Coupons, offers, high season and other stays or special services

It's very likely in your business you offer some coupons/discounts, offers and special stay services. Here we teach you how to configure this kind of services in your app.

All the names, descriptions and prices used here are sample information. You can use whatever you consider more suitable for your business. In the Settings > Hotel services you could configure your business services and prices.

It's also possible to configure the app to invoice based on days or nights. (If you want to get more info about this:

Click here

If you charge different prices based on the season, you can configure different rates and apply them during your booking/check-in process.

It is possible that the stay includes days of high season and days of low season, for example:

From the 1st of June it is already high season in our hotel and Bob will be staying 13 days: from May 22 to June 3, so:

  • The first 10 days in the low season ($10 / day)

  • And the last 3 days in high season ($15 / day)

How I do this?

It is very simple. The 13-day stay is charged at normal price (low season rate) and an Extra is added per high season for the 3 days of June.

Also you can create custom prices if you need a special price for stays with multiple pets. For instance, a customer with 2 pets in the same room .

In that case, instead of charging for example $20 ($10 for each), you want to charge a special price of $15 for the two animals.

You can do it as you prefer, the software adapts to the way you prefer to use in your business:

Option A - The fastest: The two animals at normal price and include a 50% discount to one of them.

Option B: The first animal with normal price and the second one with a special price

Option C: The two animals with a special price:

You can add discounts expressed in%: for example a 50% discount on the stay of the second animal.

Or express them in money: For example - $10

It's also very common, use coupons or special services, such as "3 nights (or days) by price of 2".

If you charge a fixed price, for example for stays between 28-31 days, a fixed price of $300.

In that case, the regular price would be 28 days at $15 = $420 and we discount $120 for the price to be $300.

You can make adjustments in the prices (for example, when you start the year you want to raise the price of your products).

Select the service, for example the "Basic Stay" service that previously cost $10 and modify the price for the new one; For example now it will cost $12.

This price will be applied to the new stays (new bookings/check-in/check-out), but not to the old ones that you have already registered in the system.

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